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Aren’t you tired?

Are You Not Tired?

Tired of corruption scandals.
Tired of the hassles of daily living.
Tired of not being able to process official documents without going to war.
Tired of paying more than is agreed for services to be rendered.
Tired of a system that doesn’t encourage uprightness and loyalty.
Tired of a system that drains the lives of its citizens with no remorse.
Tired of the blatant disregard for law and order.
Tired of a system that is designed to make sure nothing works in peace and harmony.
Tired of rules that are made for the poor and not the rich and influential to follow
Tired of unchecked police brutality against innocent citizens

We could go on and on…

If you are tired, what are you going to do about it? Do you believe that if you decide this instant to become a morally upright citizen, choosing to be accountable, we will be on the road to recovery?

It will take time for this bug to be caught, but people will catch it, as long as we continue to stand on the side of truth, justice and integrity.

Syreeta Akinyede
For the Editorial Committee

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